When is the earliest I can see my baby in an ultrasound? I get this question a lot, especially post covid as things have changed so much in the medical world with ultrasounds.
We offer our Amber Package for moms who are at least 8 weeks pregnant. Why 8 weeks? This is because we only do abdominal ultrasounds (belly ultrasounds). Any earlier than 8 weeks, it's more difficult to see your baby through your belly.
Also, why do you need a full bladder? Your full bladder helps move baby forward towards your belly which gives us the best way to see your baby abdominally.
Our Amber Package helps give moms peace of mind and comfort to see your sweet baby early in your pregnancy! If you're between 8-14 weeks pregnant and need some peace of mind, schedule a private ultrasound with us and meet your sweet baby in 3D and remember..you're welcome to bring guests with you!
